How have you been guys?
I hope you guys doing well😊!
I’m kinda tired last week because of the changeable climate, virus, and bunch of pollen.
Wish SUMMER would hurry up and arrive! I NEED YOU, SUMMER🌵!!
Okay, now let’s review Mitsuwaya’s last week💁
We had very chill days with our lovely guests!!
For me who was so sick of the bad weather and viruses, spending time with guests and my coworkers at Mitsuwaya was the happiest moment in last week!
① Having a first Japanese snack election!
→ We got bunch of Japanese snacks, so started election to find most popular snack among our guests🍘
The candidates are Mr. UMAI BOH Cheese, Ms. UMAI BOH Mentaiko, and Mr. CABBAGE TAROH!
Guess who is gonna be the most popular snack?✨
② Mitsuwaya Staff got into the daily Quiz craze!!
→ Suddenly our staff started having daily quiz📃
We’re gonna be smarter and smarter! You’ll see…🤭
➂ Welcomed Japanese idol!!
→ We had Japanese guests from Himeji working as Idol!
They are all so attractive as you can see in the photo😳✨
That’s the end of last week’s review!
Thank you, and see you next week!
- DATE: 29/FEB/2020
- DATE: 01/MAR/2020
- DATE: 02/MAR/2020
- DATE: 02/MAR/2020
- DATE: 05/MAR/2020
Oh, btw these are the pictures of the snack election and daily quiz☟